Do you think washing your food with water alone is enough to make it safe to eat? You might not after reading this…
But, don’t worry, The Honest Company can help you with kitchen prep and food safety — making “clean” eating easy.
Pathogens on Your Food
Tainted food recalls make regular headlines and have included everything from contaminated cantaloupe, mangoes, and papayas to peanut butter, ground turkey, and tuna. The U.S. Public Interest Research Group reports that foodborne illnesses increased by a whopping 44% between 2011 and 2012, and continue to make 48 million people sick annually. “Foodborne illness can be much more severe than a simple upset stomach,” says Deirdre Cummings of Massachusetts’ Public Interest Research Group. “It can cause serious chronic health problems….”
Pesticides on Your Food
And, unless you’re buying all organic (which most of us can’t afford), there are almost definitely pesticides on and in your food. What’s On My Food?, a searchable database from the Pesticide Action Network, makes it easy to learn what pesticide residues have been found on everything from asparagus to butter and poultry. Even apples might not keep the doctor away — according to the USDA, pesticide residues found on those grown conventionally have included chemicals linked to cancer, brain impacts, hormone disruption, and reproductive and developmental disorders.
Because fresh produce can get contaminated where it’s grown, sold, and made, The Honest Company can give you peace of mind when cleaning your kitchen and preparing your food.
Here’s What You Can Do
1. Buy organic when possible. Look for foods with lower levels of pesticides when you choose conventionally grown foods.
2. Look for produce that’s not bruised or battered.
3. Start with a clean slate. Food safety at home starts with a clean prep area. Wash your hands. Spritz down your countertops. Suds up your cutting boards and utensils in hot, soapy water. This way, you wash and clean everything before handling your fruits and veggies. (Tip: When possible, try to use natural, non-toxic cleaning products!)
4. Wash your produce (even organic) right when you bring it home. It’s easiest and most efficient to wash everything at the same time. And then you don’t run the risk of cross-contamination. The U.S. FDA advises skipping soap since fruits and veggies are porous and can absorb soaps or detergents. Honest Fruit & Veggie Wash is an easy option that’s 100% non-toxic and plant-based and effectively removes unwanted:
- Toxic pesticide and chemical residues;
- Waxes, dirt, handling oils, and surface contaminants (found on both conventional and organically grown produce).
And it doesn’t leave any taste or odor behind. Check out these photos comparing produce washed in water vs. those sprayed or washed with Honest Fruit & Veggie Wash.
Learn more about Honest Fruit & Veggie Wash and how easy it is to use.
This post was revised as of 4/26/2016.
We aim to provide you with the most honest and credible information possible. This article was reviewed for accuracy by The Honest Team and its internal technical experts.