How To: Extend The Life Of Your Konjac Sponge

How To: Extend The Life Of Your Konjac Sponge

Make this naturally derived exfoliator go the distance in the easiest way possible… deep-clean it!

While it’s not necessary to deep-clean your Konjac Sponge after each use, we’re all about squeezing every last drop out of our products. A little extra TLC can keep this cleansing wonder around longer than expected. Our strategy is beyond simple: Give it a deep wash every two weeks to keep it fresh and exfoliating.

konjac sponge

Boil a pot of water, then bring it to a simmer before gently adding your sponge. Let it simmer for 3 to 4 minutes to kill makeup and dirt residue. Before removing, pull on a pair of dish gloves — remember you’re dealing with scalding water — carefully extract with a slotted spoon or a pair of tongs and ring out the water before hanging to dry.


Microwave this baby just like you would do with your kitchen scrubber. Dampen with warm water, place in a microwavable bowl with a touch of H2O and zap for 3 to 4 minutes. Slip on your dish gloves to handle and then hang dry it. How beautiful is that?

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