Whether for health, the planet or personal preference, eating organic is a priority for a lot of us. But it’s not always easy to justify the cost, especially when you have a family at home to feed. Today we’re wrapping up National Nutrition Month with some tips on how to eat a more organic diet, without breaking the bank.
#1 Plan ahead.
Whether you’re buying conventional or organic, one of the top ways to save money on groceries is by making a meal plan and creating a grocery list based on it. Instead of throwing random items into your grocery cart only to end up at home wondering what to make with them, create a thoughtful list of tasty meals and shop for only what you need.
#2 Buy in bulk.
Instead of buying a box of organic quinoa or a bag of organic flour, check out the deals you can get in the bulk section of the supermarket. It’s amazing how much you can save when you scoop it yourself.
#3 Go meatless.
Organic meat and dairy typically cost more than conventional, so stick with organic fruits, veggies and grains, and you’ll find it’s actually pretty affordable.
#4 Stick to store brands.
USDA Organic = USDA Organic. No matter what the brand, they all have to play by the same rules. So look for the store brands, which usually run a bit cheaper than the name brand options.
#5 Shop locally.
A great way to buy organic produce at affordable prices is by visiting your local farmers market. You can find one near you through LocalHarvest.org or the USDA. Use these shopping tips to get the best deals:
- Get to know the farmers to put yourself in a better position to negotiate prices.
- Ask about farming practices because some farmers do not use pesticides or GMOs, but still don’t seek USDA certification (which can be pricy) to keep costs lower.
- Be the last person to leave.Farmers often slash their prices at the end of the day, so they don’t have to haul their food back to the farm.
Keep in mind that the more we support organic farming, the more the cost of organic food will come down — it’s simple supply and demand! If you have any tips of your own, please share with us in the comments.
We aim to provide you with the most honest and credible information possible. This article was reviewed for accuracy by The Honest Team and was written based on trusted sources that are linked at the bottom of the article.