Behind the Scenes of Our Spring Diaper Shoot: Meet Christie

Behind the Scenes of Our Spring Diaper Shoot: Meet Christie

Our limited-edition spring diaper prints are here! This seasonal campaign features real Honest families, and for the next few weeks we’ll go behind the scenes to get to know them. Today, get to know Christie and her little boy, Connor.

Tell us a little about yourself and your family.

Hi! I’m Christie, Connor’s mama. I’m a plus model who was blessed with the sweetest baby boy 7 months ago. I’m originally from Hilo, Hawaii and my husband was born in japan. We moved to Los Angeles four years ago and we are making this home! Enjoying our Connor every chance we have. We love to explore new places and be outdoors.

How long have you been Honest customers? Any favorite products?

We have been Honest customers ever since Connor got a Diaper sample in the mail! So, it’s been about 6 months now; I wish I used it sooner! My favorite items are, of course, the Honest diapers — the prints are so adorable! The Honest Hand Sanitizer Spray in Grapefruit Grove is amazing; being that I might be a bit of a clean freak I use it every single day. It makes me feel so much better when I feel like I have clean hands when I am around Connor.

How did you hear about the casting? What was the process like?

I heard about the casting from a friend back home in Hawaii that saw the video post on Instagram about the casting. I sent over my son’s information and got an email back the next day!

Tell us about the shoot. Any fun stories from set?

The shoot was so fun, seeing all the other Honest moms and their kids having fun and just being themselves. I’ve been on many sets and felt no pressure on this one whatsoever. All the kids were laughing and playing and all of the mothers were truly enjoying it. My favorite part of the shoot was seeing Connor smile and laugh at the camera.

What is your favorite print from the collection?

I love Many Moos, the cow print! My mom use to collect cow prints so it brings me back to when I was a kid.

Behind the Scenes of Our Spring Diaper Shoot: Meet Karley

What was it like getting to work with your son?

Getting to work with my son was so special to me! I know that he will never remember it but I’ll never forget it, and we have beautiful photos to show for it.

Give us a snapshot of what Connor is like right now — favorite foods, toys, activities?

Connors favorite food at the moment (besides momma’s milk) is bananas and carrots. His favorite toys are any of his teething toys because he has two teeth coming in! His favorite thing to do is get in his walker and play with his toys. He also loves to rome free and roll around, attempting to crawl (which he doesn't yet have down). He’s becoming more independent, he always wants to face outwards and look at everyone and sit up on his own.

What was the most surprising part about becoming a parent? The most rewarding? The most challenging?

The most surprising part about being a parent was the amount of concern I had (and still have) towards my son to make sure he is being taken care of to the best of my ability and knowledge. The lack of sleep was a shocker as well, even though everyone warns you about it. You can’t prepare for the real thing until it’s actually happening to yo . The most rewarding part is the smile on Connor’s face and the love I feel for him. It’s so unbelievable. The most challenging was breastfeeding, but now its second nature! I’d say now the most challenging is the nonstop caring for Connor. It doesn't matter how tired or sick you are, your baby will still need you and that is something that can be hard when you are utterly exhausted.

Looking back at your first six months as a parent, what are you most proud of?

Breastfeeding was such a struggle for me and I am so proud that I stuck with it! I am also so proud of Connor for being such a good eater and working with me. Now we are 7 months in and he’s still going strong.

Anything you would tell your pre-parent self?

If I could tell my pre-parent self anything it would be to take a deep breath and relax! Enjoy all the little milestones. Listen to all the advice you get and utilize the ones that you feel comfortable with, because there is no perfect way to raise a child.

What do you hope for your son?

I hope for my son to know how loved he is and to always feel that! I want happiness and health for him. I want him to enjoy his friends and family, and explore the world and all the beautiful things it has to offer.

Our freshly picked prints are available at Target and Click here to stock up before they're gone for good!

We aim to provide you with the most honest and credible information possible. This article was reviewed for accuracy by The Honest Team and was written based on trusted sources that are linked at the bottom of the article.
