Coconut Oil: 7 Surprising Health & Beauty Uses

Coconut Oil: 7 Surprising Health & Beauty Uses

As an alternative to vegetable oils and shortening, coconut oil has come a long way in the kitchen. Here at Honest, we like to make our popcorn with coconut oil instead of butter to snack with less guilt. Turns out it's great on you as well as in you — coconut oil is actually a wondrous health and beauty product, too! Check out our favorite hidden uses for this natural, universal super-oil below (organic, if you can get it):

1. Moisturize skin by using as a natural, safe alternative to body lotion for babies and adults alike.

2. Defrizz hair and reduce those hat days by combing a small dab through your hair.

3. Remove makeup by applying the oil to your skin then wiping off with a warm, wet cloth. To clean makeup brushes, just mix with a dab of dish soap and make sure to rinse thoroughly.

4. Relax with an affordable, naturally antibacterial face mask. Mix with organic raw honey and apply to face for 15 minutes or so, then rinse off with warm water.

5. Relieve skin irritations like sunburns and bug bites. The moisturizing properties soothe skin and help to prevent peeling in the case of sunburns.

6. Prevent infection and keep minor scrapes and cuts clean by spreading a thin layer onto the skin. This will help to act as a safe barrier for dirt and harmful bacteria.

7. Soothe nursing nipples by massaging onto nipple area between feedings. This will help to prevent cracking and pain while breastfeeding.

What other ways do you like to incorporate coconut oil into your daily lifestyle?

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