The New Year marks a time of excitement, motivation, and new beginnings as we embark on our resolutions for 2014. At Honest, we’re all about shaking things up, trying something different, and looking forward to progress. And that’s not just with our products. We asked some of the Honest team and our fans on social media to share their resolutions for 2014. Here’s what they said:
“Wrote my list yesterday: be more patient, meditate daily, grow spiritually, & strive to be a better mother & wife. #honestresolution” - @briar_o
"Just to be a healthier me! Finally got my copy of 'The Honest Life' y'day, can't wait to start it!#betterlatethannever” - @kylie_a_t
“I want to seize the moment more often and take advantage of this beautiful, exciting and sunny California adventure that I'm on!” - Honest Courtney Hally
“Include Birkam yoga into my yoga routine!” - Honest Janine Jimenez
“My 2014 Resolution is all about these 3 words: 'Grateful, Honest, Respect'.” - @BFellicious
“Keeping my house clean with no nasty chemicals! Can't just watch what we put IN our bodies, but what we put on them too!” - @tamaralee21
“My resolution is to Simplify. No long list this year... Just aiming for a life that is as simple as possible. #HonestResolution” - @Nat_Longoria
"To be even more amazing than the year before... and to focus more on yoga" - Honest Michael Raimondi
"To be as amazing as Micheal Raimondi was this year!" - Honest Jenni Tyliszczak
“My new years resolution is to promote more gentle parenting, to see more through my children's eyes and understand their ways.” - @pregnantmamajay
“Travel outside of CA once a month whether it's to Dubai or Hawaii again.” - Honest Krizzle Silva
“My hope for the new year to build and bring purpose to my community, my work and for those who have lost their way. I strive to use the new days that follow as an opportunity to let go, dare to dream big and to make steps that matter! Thank you Honest Company for the past year, together we truly have made lives better than when they were found!” - Honest Jacqueline K. Salazar
Share your 2014 resolutions with us in the comments section!
We aim to provide you with the most honest and credible information possible. This article was reviewed for accuracy by The Honest Team and was written based on trusted sources that are linked at the bottom of the article.