Zero-Waste Pumpkin: 5 Fresh Ways to Use this Fall Favorite

Zero-Waste Pumpkin: 5 Fresh Ways to Use this Fall Favorite

At some point, Fall became synonymous with pumpkin-flavored everything. Something about that familiar fragrance and earthy, sweet taste brings back memories of time shared with loved ones, and puts you at ease as the seasons change (despite what the weather may actually be telling you).  Here at Honest, we enjoy our fair share of pumpkin recipes, but — in true Honest style — we like to do things a little differently.

By the end of the month, you've carved it, made pie filler, maybe even had some with your morning coffee — what more could you possibly do to the pumpkin?  We've got seasonal sustainability on the mind with this week's zero-waste pumpkin challenge: Find a use for every part of the pumpkin with nothing left to waste. Check out our 5 favorites below!

  1. Revitalize skin with a DIY pumpkin face mask. Mix pumpkin puree with organic honey and almond milk for a vitamin rich way to nourish skin. Or try this Honestly approved version which also calls for pumpkin.
  2. Make a smoothie out of scraps. Blend pumpkin pulp and juice with ice, yogurt, and honey for a easy breakfast smoothie. Or make a diet-friendly dessert version by adding cinnamon, nutmeg, and pecans.
  3. Please partygoers with pumpkin hummus, because, who doesn’t love hummus? Add a cup of pumpkin puree to your favorite traditional hummus recipe, and serve with veggies. Or try pairing with an edible pumpkin centerpiece.
  4. Use seeds for more! Most already know how to roast pumpkin seeds, so try to mix it up by adding seeds to baked goods, giving your go-to granola a twist, or using them to make a pumpkin pesto. Or let the kids get in on the fun and make DIY musical shakers with the dried seeds.
  5. Repurpose carved pumpkins and turn them into bird feeders. Cut your carved pumpkin in half and fill the bottom with bird seed. Watch as your yard becomes the favorite spot for feathered friends! (Honest Tip: if your pumpkin contained a candle, make sure to remove any melted wax residue from the inner base.)

What other out-of-the-box ways do you like to use pumpkin? Share with us below and we'll tweet our favorite! 


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