Inspire a love of books in young readers by keeping their beloved stories easy to see and reach. Check out these design tips, from our friends at Houzz.
My mom tells me that as a little girl I would memorize children’s books and then recite them to my baby brother, pretending I was reading them. This is how I first developed my love of books and reading, and I remember all my favorites always being close at hand whenever I wanted them.
Reading to children creates lifelong memories. I still feel a wave of happy nostalgia when I see Blueberries for Sal, Babar and Are You My Mother? Keeping books easy to see and reach can ensure that you and your kids enjoy them more often. When little ones are in the crib, display books so the grown-ups can easily choose and grab one at story time. As your kids start walking around, you’ll want spots they can see and reach themselves.
9 Clever Ways to Display and Store Children’s Books
[caption id="attachment_20918" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Elevate Architecture[/caption]
1. On kids’ shelves in the grown-up library. Talking about displaying books on Houzz can be a bit tricky, as bibliophiles tend to object to arranging books by color or using books just for decor. But children’s books are a big exception.Displaying them adds to the decor of a room, but, more important, makes them easy for little eyes to see and for little hands to grab at reading time. It’s all about function.
Here, display shelves to the floor are within the reach of toddlers in this family-friendly reading space. It’s a great way for all ages to feel included.
2. In a wagon. I love the idea of a toddler’s being able to pull his or her books around — it’s a mini-bookmobile for the house. This is also a great way to incorporate a cheery vintage Radio Flyer into the decor.
[caption id="attachment_20919" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Amber Interiors[/caption]
3. On picture rails. Children’s book covers are so colorful and artful that they can be a wonderful addition to the decor of a room. In this room, the books are propped up on picture rails gallery-style, and their bright colors add to the welcoming style of the nursery. They are easy to see and pull down for a cuddle and a read in the comfy chair next to the rails.
4. On repurposed shelves. Interior designer Jennifer Bishop painted wooden spice racks from Ikea orange and put them to creative use. They are deep enough for a few stuffed animal friends to join in the fun.
[caption id="attachment_20920" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Maddie G Designs[/caption]
5. On a plate rack. Mounting a plate rack to the wall saves floor space, which is particularly useful in a nursery where space is tight.Vintage or new, plate racks are just the right size for children’s books, which tend to be slim.
[caption id="attachment_20921" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Jiushi90[/caption]
6. On whimsically designed shelves. This sculptural tree does double duty as a bookshelf.
[caption id="attachment_20922" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Big Box Designs[/caption]
7. In a boat. This boat-shaped storage unit keeps books neat, organized and within easy reach.
8. In a fireplace. This one sounds like an idea for a book burner, but I promise it’s not. This out-of-commission fireplace, painted and tiled, with a little reader included in the photo, is clearly a smart spot for storing books.
9. Under a window seat. A cozy cushioned seat under the window makes for a wonderful reading nook. All of the reading material is close at hand in the storage area below.
~Becky Harris, Houzz
Houzz is a platform for home remodeling and design, bringing homeowners and home professionals together in a uniquely visual community.
For more smart storage ideas, check out these other links from Houzz!
Create a Vibrant Reading Corner
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