Behind the Scenes: Get to Know the Founders of Bloom2Bloom

Behind the Scenes: Get to Know the Founders of Bloom2Bloom

We’re thrilled to kick off a new content partnership with Bloom2Bloom, your source for farm-fresh flowers that give back. Learn more about founders (and Honest moms!) Laurenne Resnik and Whitney Port, and stay tuned for the best and brightest from the flower world.

Tell us a little about Bloom2Bloom.

Bloom2Bloom is the first fashion-forward floral brand offering consumers consistent and reliable flower-buying experience across retail channels. We want to make fresh, locally grown blooms accessible and convenient. We aim to make flowers a feel-good, stylish part of every day and are dedicated to inspiring happiness one bouquet at a time.

We also strive to make an impact — whether it be through supporting local flower farmers right here in the US, or giving back with each purchase. We work hard to minimize our impact on the environment and a portion of each Bloom2Bloom purchase helps fund the design of a hospital room for teens suffering from long-term illness through our work with Wish Upon A Teen Foundation.  

Behind the Scenes: Get to Know the Founders of Bloom2Bloom

How did you get into the flower business?

Laurenne Resnik: Launching a flower brand first occurred to me while taking a business class back in college, and it turned into a passion over the years. Then Whitney and I met last summer, we got together and hit it off and it seemed like the perfect fit.

Whitney Port: A big reason why I was so drawn to do this, was because of the give back component. In starting Bloom2Bloom, our aim was to create a flower-buying experience that merges both style and social impact, where the purchase of the flowers is a way to give back with each purchase. This makes everything we’re doing every day more meaningful for me.

What are your favorite flowers?

LR: My favorite flower is a daffodil, as it has always been my dad's nickname for me.

WP: Right now, my favorite flower is a dahlia. They're really beautiful… so lush and big and full.

Behind the Scenes: Get to Know the Founders of Bloom2Bloom

Where do you find inspiration?

WP: We draw inspiration from so many places — from the natural California landscape where so many of our flowers and succulents are grown, to fashion and design trends, to what makes us smile. It's really important to us that we are involved in every step of creating the bouquets our customers experience, and much of what we design, or of the styles we offer customers, reflects what we want in our homes, and what brings us the most joy.

As for our bouquets, we are inspired by the flowers that are seasonably available at our farms! We try not to come up with our bouquets with specific flowers in mind, because we want to be intentional in using what’s freshest at the time at our US farms. Once we know the blooms we’re working with, we draft a lot of options to determine our perfect look. I draw from my experience in fashion and look to current trends to influence our bouquets. We love a bright, fun and sleek aesthetic - something that will always take a room to the next level by bringing a pop of color and sophistication.

Behind the Scenes: Get to Know the Founders of Bloom2Bloom

What advice would you give an entrepreneur — designer, artist or other field —  just starting out on their own?

Find that balance between being unbelievably relentless in making your vision come to a reality and having the patience it takes to learn from your own mistakes and from others who want to help you. Persistence is essential, but so is the ability to step back and see what you're doing from multiple perspectives. Both are required for you to be able to grow, and that growth comes at different paces for everyone.  

How have your careers evolved after having kids?

LR: It feels like a constant work in progress, and I think part of it the balance is being okay with learning as you go. So far, the best answer I have is finding your support system and recognizing what you can do yourself, and what you need help with, so that everything is done to the best of your ability. On the personal side, my husband in unbelievably supportive and my greatest cheer leader, helping me prioritize both becoming a mom and growing a business. We work as a team. And as for my professional team — working with Whitney has been amazing because we understand what the other is going through, and we help each other through it all. I feel so lucky to have her as a partner, and to be able to learn from her and grow as we continue to build Bloom2Bloom.

Why did you decide to partner with Honest?

Being new moms, we’re big fans of Honest! But beyond that, we love that the company was founded with the desire to help parents make better choices for their families and that social impact work drives who we are and what we do for both of our brands — our values are aligned.  

Do you have any favorite Honest products?

LR: Honest products are all over our house right now with the arrival of our baby boy! We are big fans of the laundry detergent, dish soap, hand sanitizer and bath products — we love it all!

WP: I'd say the hand soap!

Be sure to check back next month for more from Bloom2Bloom!

We aim to provide you with the most honest and credible information possible. This article was reviewed for accuracy by The Honest Team and was written based on trusted sources that are linked at the bottom of the article.
