Behind the Scenes of Our Spring Diaper Shoot: Meet Jennifer and Nashon

Behind the Scenes of Our Spring Diaper Shoot: Meet Jennifer and Nashon

Our limited-edition spring diaper prints are here! This seasonal campaign features real Honest families, and for the next few weeks we’ll go behind the scenes to get to know them. This week, get to know the Lee family — Jennifer, Nashon and Knox.

Tell us a little about yourself and your family.

My name is Jennifer Lee and I am married to Nashon Lee. We have been married for almost 2 years and have a 16 month old son name Knox Nolan Lee. I am from New York and Nashon is from Connecticut. We moved to California about 2 years ago (drove cross country). I am an accountant and a model; I know the two worlds don’t go side by side, but it makes me unique. Nashon is a photographer and, of course, by default he models alongside me. I am of Dominican heritage and Nashon is African American. All we have is each other, therefore we do everything together. Nashon and I have moments where we’re having more fun than Knox at a playground or even at story time.

How long have you been Honest customers? Any favorite products?

I’ve been an Honest customer since 2014, but becoming an Honest mom is totally different and I’ve been an Honest mom since 2016. My favorite products are the Diapers and Wipes for my kiddo, but just started loving the Honest Beauty Lip Gloss (especially in Creative Kiss) for myself.

How did you hear about the casting? What was the process like?

I heard about the casting on the Honest Instagram. I submitted my son via email and they cast right away. Then they asked for pictures of the family, at which point we got invited to be a part of the shoot as well. The shoot was only going to be Knox and me, but a few days before the shoot I asked if Nashon could come with us just to accompany us and they ended up asking if he wanted to be a part of the shoot for day two.

Behind the Scenes of Our Spring Diaper Shoot: Meet Jennifer and Nashon

Tell us about the shoot. Any fun stories from set?

The shoot was so amazing. The shoot was for two days, so day one was just my son and me, and day two my husband was included. The location of the shoot was in Malibu and they couldn’t have picked a better location. Funny story — we did a picnic shoot and the product crew decided to put fruit in front of two toddlers and of course my son decided to crush a strawberry with both hands and (as most moms know) strawberries stain.

What is your favorite print from the new collection?

My favorite print is the Dog Days print.

Behind the Scenes of Our Spring Diaper Shoot: Meet Jennifer and Nashon

What was it like getting to work with your son?

Working with my son was interesting; seeing him enjoying himself in front of the camera. He’s a foodie and a people person so he was loving it as I was watching him.

Give us a snapshot of what Knox is like right now — favorite foods, toys, activities?

Knox’s favorite foods are pasta, chicken nuggets, fries, apples and goldfish crackers. He loves to play with most of his toys especially his drum set, basketballs or his bath toys. He loves to dance, which we call “baby chata” because of his cousin Marcelo. On his down time he loves to watch the movie Sing or YouTube videos.  

What was the most surprising part about becoming a parent? The most rewarding? The most challenging?

The most surprising part about becoming a parent is how much babies learn. The most rewarding is accomplishing every milestone, from him drinking breast milk to eating solids, from not being about to crawl to walking, and more. The most challenging is taking care of a baby while having a lack of sleep.

Behind the Scenes of Our Spring Diaper Shoot: Meet Jennifer and Nashon

Looking back at your first year as a Mom to Knox, what are you most proud of?

My first year as a parent I learned a lot about myself, but I was most proud of being able to breastfeed for over an entire year while working. #stillgoingstrong

Anything you would tell your pre-parent self?

Make sure you get enough sleep.

What do you hope for your son?

I hope Knox becomes the person he was brought into this world to be. He will find his path as I found mine.

P.S. Knox Nolan Lee, thank you for allowing me to walk this journey with you. Love, Mamiii.

Our freshly picked prints are available now exclusively for Bundle subscribers. Click here to stock up and check back next week to meet another Honest mom.

We aim to provide you with the most honest and credible information possible. This article was reviewed for accuracy by The Honest Team and was written based on trusted sources that are linked at the bottom of the article.
