Creative Virtual Ways to Celebrate Mom

Apr 15, 2021
Creative Virtual Ways to Celebrate Mom

Image shared by @kekecameron

The argument could be made that mothers truly “make the world go round.” Moms are simply amazing, wearing so many different hats through the course of parenting and raising their children that it’s kind of awe-inspiring. 

That’s not to detract in any way from dads; they are fab too, just different. The gifts a mama brings to the table simply don’t look like a dad’s gifts, and that’s the beauty of being parents. The roles are wonderfully different, yet the goals are the same––raising healthy, happy, well-rounded children. 

Since ’tis the season to honor and celebrate all the mamas of the world, keep reading for some creative ways to do just that. 

Prepare an At-Home Spa Day 

Yes, though moms deserve your love and care every day of the year, Mother’s Day just makes it even more special and important. The second Sunday of May is specifically set aside to celebrate mothers and as such, you should take full advantage of it! 

To make her feel as pampered and loved as she made you feel when you were a child, why not send her a spa basket? This spa basket can include all the at-home spa essentials, like soaks and essential oils, candles and creams, plus towels and bubble bath. 

You can design this Mother’s Day gift with a color theme, a scent theme, or even just mix and match some of her favorite pampering products. Ideas for products to include in your at-home spa day basket might include: 

Gift Her with DIY Skincare Products 

There aren’t many moms who don’t enjoy pampering their skin, even just a little. A daily skincare routine is a form of self-care that benefits both your mental and physical health. Self-care is essential for all moms, but especially for first time moms who are still adjusting to motherhood.  

If your mom is the creative, do-it-herself type, this Mother’s Day, why not send her a box full of natural and healthy ingredients that can be used to make her own DIY skincare products? 

Alternatively, you can also make the DIY skincare products yourself and then send them to a special mom in your life, packaged prettily. Some excellent and easy ideas for DIY skincare products that serve as thoughtful Mother’s Day gifts for first time moms are homemade scrubs and masks. 

Body, face, and even lip scrubs can be made with the basic ingredients of sugar—preferably organic or natural—and oil—we recommend organic coconut oil as the best choice. 

This basic scrub recipe can be customized by adding your own personal touches, such as honey for moisture and hydration or  essential oils for fragrance and their own unique benefits. Plus, essential oils also add more of a spa-like feeling to the whole experience! 

Sentimental Letters/Slideshow/Scrapbook/Picture Album

Mother’s Day is an excellent time to take a stroll down memory lane and relive all of your favorite memories as a family, including the best moments of your life that were a joy for both you and your mom. 

There are multiple ways you can embody this theme. You can do it by creating a special family scrapbook, or you can go a little more high-tech and create a slideshow with all of your favorite family pictures. You could even just create a beautiful family picture album. Another sweet Mother’s Day idea is to take this opportunity to send her a sentimental letter filled with love and gratitude, along with a printed copy of a favorite picture of the two of you together.

Virtual Surprise Party/Cocktail Hour

In today’s technologically advanced world, being unable to be physically with your mom on Mother’s Day is really no excuse for not seeing her! Why not plan a surprise virtual party to get together and celebrate the special day? 

It can be a private party with just the two of you, or a family gathering on Zoom perhaps, with you and your other siblings. It could even include all of her loved ones, family or not, gathered together to celebrate her. 

To make things even more interesting, you could make the surprise virtual gathering a hi-tea party or a Mother’s Day brunch. Depending on the crowd, you could even make it a virtual cocktail hour and celebrate motherhood in style! After all, who doesn’t love a great cocktail?

Virtual Baking/Cooking Session

Most of us grow up eating the food cooked by our mothers. Though it’s not for everyone, baking and cooking together can be a lovely way to bond with each other, while also doing something productive and fun. 

You could cook a great meal to enjoy together over FaceTime, or if cooking is not your forte, you could even take a virtual baking or cooking class together for Mother’s Day. It’s a double-whammy: making your mother happy and learning to cook all in one go. 

Drop-Off Some Gifts 

Though not technically a virtual celebration, if your mom lives nearby, you could drop off some surprise gifts for her on Mother’s Day. These gifts might include home-cooked food or baked items, a flower bouquet, cards, or some other fun thing you know she likes. 

You could even take it a step further and also decorate her front door as a beautiful Mother’s Day surprise! How fun would it be for your mom to arrive home and see her front door decked out for Mother’s Day, expressing how much she is loved and valued by her children? Our vote? If you have siblings, enlist them or even the whole family to help, as this should definitely be a joint effort!

Virtual Wine Tasting 

Virtual DIY wine tastings are an extremely fun activity and a great way to get into the party spirit. For this, you can either use whatever types of wine you already have at home or buy some new varieties for both of you. Now get together on a video call and start tasting!

Virtual Picnic

Similar to the wine tasting, you could throw a little virtual picnic for your mom instead. Create a picnic basket with all of her favorite yummies and either deliver it to her door yourself or have it delivered. Then call her on the phone or do a video chat and catch up as she enjoys the beautiful spread you picked out just for her. Of course, you should also make up your own picnic basket to enjoy along with her, because hey—good eats! 

Online Airbnb Experience 

Amid all the COVID restrictions, traveling for fun is just not possible the way it used to be. During such crazy times, you can arrange a one-of-a-kind virtual experience via Airbnb instead. 

This could be almost any kind of experience from anywhere in the world, from cooking with Italian or Moroccan families and learning their secrets, to cocktail making classes with the pros. This is a very unique gift idea, and honestly, it’s probably one of the few good things to come out of the whole COVID situation. Let the fun times commence! 

Virtual Hobby or Virtual Classes

If you and your mother have similar hobbies, or even if you don’t enjoy that particular hobby yourself but you know she loves it, you can arrange a virtual hobby evening for the two of you. Not only will this show her how much you appreciate her, even down to her likes and dislikes, it will also give you two quality time to catch up and have some laughs while doing so. 

Alternatively, you could arrange for her to take virtual classes related to her hobbies. For example, you could sign her up for a virtual painting or pottery-making class. Whatever her hobbies are, there is almost certainly some kind of virtual class out there that will teach her how to do it! 

Virtual Game or Movie Night

Other cool virtual ideas are family game nights or even a virtual movie night. Zoom is an easy way to get a crowd together to do a family game night, but you only need your phone and video chat to enjoy a movie together. Either way, the point is quality time together, even if it’s long-distance. She will love it and love you all the more for making it happen.

Finally, whatever Mother’s Day activities you ultimately decide to do, whether it’s a DIY craft or something virtual, don’t forget to send her a sweet Mother’s Day card! It can be an e-card or a real card that you drop off personally, have delivered to her house, or of course, have delivered electronically through email. 


We aim to provide you with the most honest and credible information possible. This article was reviewed for accuracy by The Honest Team and was written based on trusted sources that are linked at the bottom of the article.
