Meet Client Services Representative Natalie Marte

Meet Client Services Representative Natalie Marte

What is the most surprising thing you've learned while working at Honest?

Something unexpected that I discovered when I began working at Honest is what a truly unique workplace it really is. I was prepared for the “startup lifestyle” and how non-traditional things may be, but Honest takes it to a whole new level. Beyond that, having all business components under one roof makes for a really remarkable experience. Everyone is so driven and focused on doing good, not only in their own department but all across the board. Which, in a way, stems directly from the passion that ignited the company in the first place. Having bosses that you can also call your role models, mentors, and friends is definitely something you don’t find everywhere.

What is your favorite product?

Having to choose a favorite product is like asking a parent to choose their favorite child — I love them all in their own way! But a hands-down favorite has got to be the Organic Lip Balm Trio (specifically the lavender mint flavor). Anyone that knows me is aware that I am a lip balm addict, but it was not until I started working for Honest that I was finally able to ditch my usual cherry flavored tube. And my lips have never been happier! The Healing Balm is also a miracle worker, and my roommates are hooked on the Stain Remover as we’ve learned that red wine and white carpet do not mix well.

What is your most memorable Honest moment?

I could probably think of a favorite moment from each week of working here. We’ve got an unmatched sense of culture and definitely know what it means to work hard and play hard. Professionally, a favorite experience has been getting to help out with the DIY portion of the Honest Blog for the past four months or so by filling in and creating the bi-weekly project posts. It’s been fun tapping back into my artistic side, and also having the opportunity to interact with our members in a different way that I typically get to.

How do you embrace the Honest lifestyle at home?

In college I majored in environmental science, so living sustainably has always been a priority for me. Once I started working at Honest, I broadened my scope to incorporate this from a health standpoint as well, by replacing all of my traditional cleaning supplies with Honest ones and trying more diligently to reduce exposure to environmental toxins. Now, I’m working on getting all of my family and friends hooked as well! It’s rare to find low impact products, that are safe, affordable, AND beautifully designed, so it’s exciting to get to be a part of this and to share it with others.

If you weren't at work, what would you be doing?

Well, I’m lucky to have really awesome parents who instilled the importance of travel in my twin brother and me at a very young age, so I am all about going new places and experiencing different cultures. As a SoCal native I also love the sunshine, so I try to be outside and at the beach as much as possible. Come September you’ll find me back in the stands, cheering on Jim Mora and the UCLA Bruins on their quest for the Natty! As part of a strong Alumni group, my friends and I try to make it out to as many games as we can. We’re currently working on our travel arrangements for the game against Texas at Cowboys Stadium — should be quite the experience.

We aim to provide you with the most honest and credible information possible. This article was reviewed for accuracy by The Honest Team and was written based on trusted sources that are linked at the bottom of the article.
