Meet Honest CS Team Lead Alicia Angulo

Meet Honest CS Team Lead Alicia Angulo

What do you love most about working at Honest?

I absolutely love the people I get to work with everyday. The positive energy is so contagious —  especially in CS —  and I love having my own team of reps that I get to help everyday. It's really inspiring to be a part of a company that has so much passion. I feel really lucky because I truly look forward to coming to work everyday.

Meet Honest CS Team Lead Alicia Angulo

Meet Honest CS Team Lead Alicia Angulo

What is your favorite product?

This question always gets me. It's nearly impossible for me to pick one favorite Honest product, but I'm going to go with the Hand Sanitizer Spray. I was a huge fan of our original scent, so I had a minor melt down when we phased that one out. Fun fact: I actually bought out the rest of the inventory from an Honest Pop Up Shop so I could stock up before it was gone forever. The Lavender Hand Sanitizer Spray has become my new favorite though, so it's all good.


What is your most memorable Honest moment?

I would have to say being a part of the Honest Pop Up Shops. I was lucky enough to be a Brand Educator in New Jersey for two weeks with one of my work besties, Eddie Estrada. This trip was literally the definition of Murphy's Law — anything that could go wrong, did. But in true Honest fashion, we rolled with the punches and ended up having an amazing time selling Honest products in two separate retail locations. This trip also solidified my love for chicken parm and east coast Chinese food, and for that I am truly grateful.

How do you embrace the Honest lifestyle at home?

Everyone who knows me (who doesn't work at Honest) makes fun of me because I have at least one Honest product in every room of my house. It's really easy to be a fangirl of all of our products because not only do I love everything they stand for, but they also work really well.  

If you weren't at work, what would you be doing?

I love live music so I would be attending as many concerts as possible. I'm also always down to explore, so I would love to be a tourist in my own city of LA. I'm originally from Arizona, so I love to go home when I can and hang with my family.

Meet Honest CS Team Lead Alicia Angulo

Check back next time for more inside scoop on your favorite Honest employees! In the meantime, check out the rest of the family by clicking here

We aim to provide you with the most honest and credible information possible. This article was reviewed for accuracy by The Honest Team and was written based on trusted sources that are linked at the bottom of the article.
