Meet Honest Operations Inventory Planner Jonny Ochoa

Meet Honest Operations Inventory Planner Jonny Ochoa

What is the most surprising thing you’ve learned while working at Honest?

Working can actually be fun!  We’re not just putting our time in; we truly love what we do and what we work for.  At Honest, the company embraces the voices of its employees and customers and really listens to their opinions on how to make the world a better place.  With 200+ employees all working towards a common goal, it makes sense that there are so many smiling faces at the office.


What is your favorite product?

Honest Stain Remover, 100%.  The first time I sent Honest products to my Mom and Nana, they could not stop raving about this product.  I was a little skeptical because past stain removers would usually only dull the stain or leave a white mark on my clothes.  I tried the Honest Stain Remover on a ketchup stain and the rest is history.  I still have yet to encounter a stain it can’t remove!

Honest Stain Remover

What is your most memorable Honest moment? 

There are so many memories being made while working at Honest because of the wonderful people that are here.  My favorite would have to be our Holiday party.  I get to see all my coworkers grind out their days at the office, so it was good to see them in a different light where they could relax a little.  We had an amazing dinner, great music, and even better dancing!  Being able to have friendly conversations with our CFO, Founders and Managers truly speaks wonders to how much of a tight-knit group we are here at Honest.


How do you embrace the Honest lifestyle at home?

Ever since I signed up for my first essential bundle, my whole house has been stocked in Honest products: shampoos, dish soaps, laundry detergent and even wipes! I make a conscious effort now to look at the ingredients on items I’m bringing into the home. It still amazes me how many harmful chemicals are used in everyday products.  If it wasn’t for my knowledge from Honest, I would probably still be obliviously buying toxic brand name products, so I’m truly grateful for what I learn every day here.

If you weren't at work, what would you be doing?

Family is huge to me, so I take any chance I get to see my Mom, Brother, and Koopa (my dog).  When I’m in the City of Angels, you can find me at the beach, going on hikes, enjoying the perfect cup of coffee or managing my clothing company with my best friend (the norm for LA).  It’s a hectic city that never sleeps…and I enjoy every second of it!

We aim to provide you with the most honest and credible information possible. This article was reviewed for accuracy by The Honest Team and its internal technical experts.
