Meet Honest Recruitment Manager Leigha May

Meet Honest Recruitment Manager Leigha May

What do you love most about working at Honest?

Being part of such a passionate and mission based company is an incredible gift. The energy I feel walking in the doors every day and being surrounded by so many inspiring colleagues is what drives me.   

What is your favorite product?

I adore the Lavender Vanilla candle! I love to host (game night, anyone?), and the soy candles add a warm and welcoming touch without the synthetic fragrances of candles past.

Meet Honest Recruitment Manager Leigha May

What is your most memorable moment?

We have a lot of fun around here. Whether it’s Halloween and everyone (yes, everyone) is dressed up, the Engineers are singing (yeah, it’s a thing), a random piñata on a Tuesday afternoon shows up, or live band stops by to help you kick off summer -- the fun filled moments are endless.

Meet Honest Recruitment Manager Leigha May

How do you embrace the Honest lifestyle at home?

Being mindful in all things and continually looking for ways to improve is my way of embracing the Honest lifestyle. In my home we’ve replaced waste bins with compost and recycling bins, removed harmful items from the kitchen (like plastics and certain types of cookware), conserve water with low flow faucets, and try to live as simply as possible.   

Meet Honest Recruitment Manager Leigha May

Meet Honest Recruitment Manager Leigha May

If you weren’t at work, what would you be doing?

I love seeking out new adventures! Whether it’s taking a road trip to the desert, bungee jumping in New Zealand, hula-hooping (flow-arts for the win!), or enjoying as much live music as I can – it’s about creating as much joy in your life as possible.

Click here to read more about Honest straight from the folks that make it all function!

We aim to provide you with the most honest and credible information possible. This article was reviewed for accuracy by The Honest Team and was written based on trusted sources that are linked at the bottom of the article.
