Meet Online Marketing Manager Rachel Kwan

Meet Online Marketing Manager Rachel Kwan

Meet Online Marketing Manager - Rachel Kwan

What do you love most about working at Honest?

I love that Honest is a mission-based company. Working with a quality product that we all believe in and sharing this product with the new members we obtain is extremely rewarding. Not to mention, the culture and people at Honest are all dedicated and pushing towards the same goal — to educate, inspire, and fulfill the promise of creating a healthy and sustainable future — which makes for an enjoyable ride!

What is your favorite product?

The Fruit + Veggie Wash! I have an obsession with cleaning my produce and use the Fruit + Veggie Wash daily. What's the point of eating clean if your fruits and veggies have pesticides and filth on them?

What is your most memorable Honest moment?

Honest’s 200th Employee Celebration. There was so much excitement and passion for the company! Not only were there blackjack tables, karaoke, and dancing, but there was also a video featuring Honest employees. Each person said a word that Honest employees embody and it was truly rewarding to know that we’re all in this together.

How do you embrace the Honest lifestyle at home?

Outside of replacing all of my personal cleaning supplies with Honest products, I've also spread the love with close family and friends. I've made a conscious effort to gift Honest products to my loved ones, as well as for all my friends’ baby showers.

If you weren't at work, what would you be doing?

When I’m not spending time with family or grabbing a bite with friends, I love traveling, reading at the beach, and playing soccer. I’ll be forever in search of beautiful beaches and a ripe avocado!

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