Meet Senior Marketing Manager Tanya Hersh

Meet Senior Marketing Manager Tanya Hersh

Meet Honest Sr. Marketing Manager, Loyalty & Retention Tanya Hersh

What do you love most about interacting with the Honest community?

I treasure the ability to directly speak to our community through our e-mail campaigns. We’re always trying to find new ways to increase engagement and it’s invigorating to brainstorm ideas with my colleagues. It’s incredibly rewarding to test and see what resonates most and build on those campaigns.

What is your favorite Honest product?

Right now, I’m absolutely loving our Healing Balm. While I always knew it was a multitasking wonder, honestly, it took me awhile to become a believer. During my last cold, I religiously applied a dab of Healing Balm to my nose to keep it from getting raw and chapped. It worked, and now I’m a loyal fan! I use it whenever I fly or hit the slopes – it’s the richest moisturizer ever.

What is your most memorable Honest moment?

We celebrated our 1-year birthday as a company by placing a surprise gift in the bundles of members who had been with us since the very beginning. It was a big project involving the whole company because we didn’t have the ability to systematically include items in a shipment that were not part of the members’ orders. It was all worth it when we saw the pictures and notes of appreciation on our Facebook wall. We couldn’t have reached our first birthday without our members, and it was amazing to celebrate the moment with them!

How do you embrace the Honest lifestyle at home?

Working at Honest has been eye-opening. Now, I find myself reading labels and trying to learn more about what goes into the products I use. I got a primer from our product team on the difference between chemical and physical sunblock and I’m committed to getting rid of all my sprays and switching to Honest Sunblock this summer.

If you weren't at work, what would you be doing?

I’d be playing outside! I love the outdoors and have embraced the stereotypical Cali lifestyle – I run, hike, play tennis, and paddle board. This summer I’m determined improve my golf swing so I can join in on the next round of company golf!

We aim to provide you with the most honest and credible information possible. This article was reviewed for accuracy by The Honest Team and was written based on trusted sources that are linked at the bottom of the article.
