Happy New Year! Thanks to your support, we had an amazing 2013. We’re so proud of all the safe and family-friendly products we developed and everything we accomplished to make the world a little better. We’re looking forward to doing more in the New Year. And in the spirit of the New Year, we thought it would be fun to share with you our resolutions for 2014:
- Do more “Honest to Goodness” initiatives with bigger impacts. The Honest staff participates in at least one volunteer project each month to help families in our local community (we write a blog post about these events every third Tuesday of the month!). This year, we’d like to make an even bigger impact, participating in and organizing larger volunteer events — and we’d love for you to get involved, too! We’re also looking at organizing one-for-one type promotions, so when you buy one product, we donate one to someone in need.
- Do more to make your life easier. Our goal is to be your one-stop shop for non-toxic, eco-friendly, effective, beautifully designed family essentials. We do the research, so you don’t have to. We deliver, so you don’t have to leave the comfort of your home. We happily support you because it takes a village to raise a child! In the coming year, you can expect to see more products for moms, dads, and baby (like deodorant and baby powder to keep your whole family feeling fresh!), and more tools to help you on your parenting journey.
- Do more to do better every single day. Based on your feedback, we have many product improvements in the pipeline (like boosting the bubble levels in our bubble bath and hand soap for extra clean, foamy fun!). Keep emailing and calling us with your comments, questions, and recommendations! We’re always grateful for your insights that help us make our current products and services even better. Your families and stories are our inspiration!
We look forward to a wonderful 2014 with you!
What would you like to see The Honest Company do in 2014?
We aim to provide you with the most honest and credible information possible. This article was reviewed for accuracy by The Honest Team and its internal technical experts.