Every year we go into the holidays already ready for a fresh start on January 1st, right? But, let’s be real, by the time the first of the month actually rolls around, the energy of the New Year fades, we find ourselves falling off the wagon. I get it — I’ve been there too. It’s cold outside and takeout sounds way better than slaving away over a stove for an hour. As a new mom, I found out the hard way that my time would become so limited. I never thought I’d be the mom who’d need to heat and reheat my coffee ten times per day. Alas, I am totally that mom and often find myself putting everyone else’s needs ahead of my own.
As I sit here thinking about 2019, I wanted to share my goals with all of you. Goals that are achievable. Goals that I will be able to stick to in 2019. I no longer have the luxury of coming and going as I please, but as a mom, I also deserve to put myself and my needs first every once in a while. My goals for 2019 have nothing to do with a number on a scale and everything to do with creating happiness and balance. Happiness is something that takes work, so feel free to take these goals and use them as a starting point for your own goal-setting terms in 2019!
Practice Self-Care at Least One Time Per Week: Ever get to the point where you nail polish is chipped, your eyebrows run amuck and you’re achy all over? Self-care shouldn’t be a luxury. It should be an integral part of your routine that lends itself to becoming more confident and comfortable in your own skin. Find small ways to practice self-care weekly, like a bath with lavender oil or a manicure.
Replace One Cup of Coffee or Other Caffeinated, Sugary Beverage With 8 Ounces of Water Once Per Day: Staying hydrated can be a problem for many people. Try to replace one of those cups of coffee or sodas with a large glass of water. Work up to drinking half of your bodyweight in ounces daily.
Sit and Breathe Deep For 2 Minutes Per Day: In a tech-fueled world, we rarely take time to simply breathe deeply. It can be hard to do for a long time, so choose a time of day that works best for you, use a timer and sit and take big diaphragmatic breaths once a day!
Eat Lean Protein and Vegetables at Least Three Times Per Week: It can be very easy to order takeout, but healthy eating can be both satisfying and just as quick as ordering a pizza. Fill half of your plate with vegetables and one quarter of your plate with a lean protein such as chicken breast, salmon or turkey and one quarter of your plate with a complex carbohydrate like brown rice or sweet potato. Choose organic when possible.
Routinely Read Nutrition Labels: I always laugh when I read potato chips marketed as “gluten free”. Potato chips are not a health food and unfortunately many “diet foods” are chock full of chemicals and artificial sweeteners. Calories aren’t necessarily the most important part of the label. Look at the serving size, sugars and sodium added. To me, the most important part of a nutrition label is the ingredient list. You SHOULD be able to read what goes into your food. If you are unsure what an ingredient is, look it up and learn for the future.
Sign Up, Pay and Attend at Least One Fitness Class Every Week: Paying for a class in advance keeps you accountable. In the winter months it can be really tough to stay motivated. So, I suggest paying for one fitness class in advance and make sure to get there!
Find a New Healthy Recipe to Cook for You and Your Family at Least Once Per Week: Healthy cooking can be simple and delicious, but sometimes we can get bored! There are so many great healthy recipes out there, so try to expand your repertoire and choose a new healthy recipe every week. If your kids are older, get them involved too! If you make it a family affair, you may be surprised at how much less picky your little kiddos are.
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