Now that the weather's starting to warm up a bit, it's time to get outside and get moving! Today's pose, from Jessica James, is a great do-anywhere stretch that focuses on the legs and spine. Take a deep breath and enjoy.
Chair Pose Twist
Level 2
Utkatasana Variation
Benefits: This dynamic pose builds heat and strength in your legs while providing a deep twist in your spine. The twist keeps the disks in your spine mobile and healthy while massaging your inner organs. This subtle massage encourages a gentle detox from the inside.
Honest Tip: To make sure your spine is getting the most out of this twist, always keep your hips square. If one knee is sticking out further than the other, it means that the hip your are twisting away from is getting pulled forward and you've lost the squaring of the hips. To get more out of the twist, press into your hands and use the leverage of your arms to twist deeper.
Now go pause, pose and find peace.
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