Pause & Pose: Crow Pose

Pause & Pose: Crow Pose

We don't know about you, but we're pretty happy it's Friday. To celebrate, we're kicking it up a notch! This pose is a lot easier than it looks -- the trick is getting your feet off the ground. Honest yogi Jessica James is here to give us her expert tips and tricks.



Crow pose




Level 2


Benefits: Crow pose helps build your balance, while strengthening your arms and core. It stretches your back and your wrists, while toning your abdominals. All good things!


Honest Tip: While this pose isn't too difficult, getting lift off can be the hard part. If you're feeling glued to the floor, place a block behind you and climb up on the block. This will bring your knees higher up your arms, making it easier to find your balance. To find the full expression of this pose, straighten your arms.


Now go pause, pose, and find peace!

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