Pause & Pose: Reverse Warrior

Pause & Pose: Reverse Warrior

We're already moving into our final days of May -- where has the time gone? This week's pose from yogi (and Honest mom!) Jessie James will help us to stay strong and grounded as we embrace the changes happening all around us. Enjoy this deep, energizing stretch.

Reverse Warrior

Viparita Virabhadrasana

Level 1

Benefits: Reverse Warrior is an invigorating pose that strengthens and stretches your quads, hamstrings, hips, and torso while opening your chest and shoulders. When practiced often, this pose builds stamina. It also keeps your legs strong and your spine healthy.

Honest Tip: When reaching up and back, engage your low belly, keep your shoulder head in its socket and descend your front leg parallel to the floor. If it feels like like you are pulling yourself in two different directions, then you are doing it right!

Now go pause, pose, and find peace. Enjoy these last few weeks of spring!

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