Workout Wednesday: Two Quick Moves for Toned Legs

Workout Wednesday: Two Quick Moves for Toned Legs

Today we're doubling down and serving up two moves to help you get toned legs – fast! Follow the tips below and get moving. Once you master these moves, you can do them pretty much anywhere for a quick way to get your blood pumping. 


2 Quick Moves for Toned Legs

Benefits:  Targets and tones hips, glutes and thighs.  

Step 1:  Start standing with legs hip-width apart. Stand in front of a chair, bed, coffee table or reformer foot bar (as seen here).  

Step 2:  Bend the knees and squat towards the chair.  Don’t sit on it, just “tap” it. This is your guide how low you need to squat.

Step 3: Contract glutes and hamstrings to lift up.

Repeat this 1-3 sets of 15 -20 reps.

Honest Tip: Keep the weight in the center of both feet while moving. Use abdominal muscles to support your back.  



2 Quick Moves for Toned Legs

Benefits: Toned inner thighs, glutes and legs.

Step 1: Start standing with legs hip-width apart.

Step 2: Bend right leg in, then take a large step with right foot to the side and lunge towards the floor shifting your weight to the right leg.  Push off through your right foot to return to the start, shifting your weight back to your left leg.

Do 20 reps on each side.

Honest Tip: Make sure your feet are aligned in one straight line. Keep your knee above your toes while in a lunge. Support your back using your abdominal muscle.

~Leila, FitPilates

Leila Cunningham is a Certified Pilates Instructor based in Los Angeles, California. When she isn’t sharing her knowledge and passion for Pilates at her studio, she’s spending time with her husband and two beautiful daughters. For more fitness tips and easy exercises, check out her YouTube channel.

This post is solely for informational purposes. It is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for health advice. Before undertaking any course of exercise, you should seek the advice of your physician or other health care provider.

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