Yoga for Kids: Find Your Om with Mom (+ video!)

Yoga for Kids: Find Your Om with Mom (+ video!)

Today’s Pause & Pose is an extra special series, designed to be done with the little ones in your life! Watch Jessica James, of We Heart Yoga, and daughter Ava as they show that you’re never too young for yoga.

My daughter Ava has grown up watching her dad and me do yoga pretty much everyday, but it was never something that I wanted to force on her. When I realized that Ava's personal relationship with yoga was starting to bloom, I invited her to join me.

My personal practice is very focused and alignment driven, but doing yoga with Ava has brought a sense of freedom and play back to my practice. I learned that yoga for kids is less about poses and more about play. It's about getting them familiar with the shapes and the idea of mindfulness and self love.

In this yoga set we use twists and plank poses to build strength and balance, while we let the animal inspired poses remind us that we are part of something bigger than ourselves. Have fun, explore, and remember that what matters most is to do your very best and listen to your body.

Now go pause, pose and find peace.

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