An Honest Advocacy Update for Earth Day!

An Honest Advocacy Update for Earth Day!

Did you know that Americans spend more than $25 Billion each year on household cleaning products, but there is very little that industry is required to share in terms of what’s inside those products. That’s right, no “ingredient list” is mandated to be on our most beloved scented laundry detergent, or that deep cleaning stain-fighter, or what you clean your counters with daily. Huh!?

Here at Honest, we are committed to the promise of creating a cleaner, healthier world. For us, this means consciously controlling and meticulously formulating what does — and doesn’t — go into our products, and being fully transparent with our consumers, because you have the right to know, and because it’s the right thing for a business to do! 

As you know, we are passionate about advocating for better health laws. A few weeks ago I shared some news about legislation that Honest is working hard to pass here in our home state of California – the Cleaning Product Right to Know Act (SB 258), which would require that ingredients be listed on cleaning product labels. And it’s part of our core purpose and in our DNA, as we’ve been doing this since day one because we believe you have a right to know and you should have all the information when it comes to the health of your family. In fact, a recent poll verified this mandate, finding that more than three-quarters of CA voters (78%!) support efforts to require ingredient labeling on cleaning products.

Several weeks ago, we met with stakeholders, both for and against the Cleaning Product Right to Know Act, and stated our strong support for the bill — you can read my letter here. I am thrilled to report that on March 29, the state Senate Environmental Quality Committee approved SB 258, marking its first victory in the California legislature. If passed, this will be the first law in the nation to require cleaning product ingredients to be listed on label and online. Honest is proud to be part of the coalition of companies and NGO’s working to pass this bill, and we want your support, too. If you live in California, please contact your state legislators to encourage them to vote for the Cleaning Product Right to Know Act/SB 258 — click here to find your state representatives (we have a helpful template at the end on what to say). Also, please thank Senator Ricardo Lara for leading this effort, by contacting him here or tagging him @senricardolara and #SB258 on Twitter.

An Honest Advocacy Update for Earth Day!

Beyond our work in Sacramento, just a few weeks ago I traveled to Washington, DC as part of my effort to ensure Honest has a constant voice as a change-maker, advocate, and champion of human health and the environment.  I met with several members of Congress to share Honest’s strong support for chemical reform, clean ingredients, transparency and formulation safety when it comes to the products we use every day. I was pleased that several legislators are aligned with our position (because they are hearing from YOU — the consumer) on cleaning product labeling and we may soon see bills introduced in the House and Senate to establish federal standards for ingredient labeling — such good news!  We look forward to championing these “right-to-know” efforts at the federal level just like we’re doing in California, and we will be sure to keep you updated on ways that you can get involved.

As part of our total commitment to health, quality, and transparency, you’ll be hearing more from me on this and other Honest advocacy efforts in the months ahead. In the meantime, we’d love to hear from you! Leave a comment below to let us know the policies and causes you care about, and ways that we can engage with you.


Christopher Gavigan


If you live in California, please write your state legislators to ask them to support SB 258. To make it easy, you can copy and paste the message below, or write your own! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Sarah from Honest’s government affairs team (

Dear Hon. [Last Name of State Senator and State Assemblymember],

I am writing to urge you to support the Cleaning Product Right to Know Act (Lara-SB 258). Thanks to clear ingredient labeling, we know the ingredients in packaged food we eat and in personal care products we use. We have a right to know we what’s in the cleaning products we’re using in our homes and around our families. I hope you will support the Cleaning Product Right to Know Act (SB 258).


[Your Name]

[Street, City, CA, Zip]

You can also get involved by getting social! One Honest cleaning product will be donated for every social action on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Google+ until May 1, up to a maximum aggregate donation of 25,000 products.

We aim to provide you with the most honest and credible information possible. This article was reviewed for accuracy by The Honest Team and was written based on trusted sources that are linked at the bottom of the article.
