As the presenting sponsor of the “Holidays from the Heart” giveback program at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, our Honest employees spent the month of December shopping for 18 low-income families (120 people total) we adopted for the holidays.
We received wish lists from each family member with requests for the most basic essentials, like diapers & travel size toiletries, socks, blankets, and cooking utensils. Because these families fall below the poverty line, and often cannot provide even the basics of life for their children, essentials like these can mean the difference between life and death for a sick child returning home from the hospital. Our team was honored and humbled to provide these essential items for families who would otherwise have gone without this holiday season. We shopped for the basics and were happy to also provide some fun (like interactive toys and athletic equipment) amongst the donated gifts.
Throughout December, the space beneath our Honest office tree slowly transformed from a concrete floor to an overflowing pile of presents.
Then, on December 17, our Honest team traveled to the “North Pole” section of Children’s Hospital Los Angeles to have a full wrap-a-thon. Over an entire evening, we lovingly wrapped boxes and attached decorative bows to more than 300 individual presents.
This year’s “Holidays from the Heart” program provided gifts for more families than it has ever served in one season – more than 530 families! In addition to the 18 families we adopted as a company, our program sponsorship helped enable Children’s Hospital Los Angeles to coordinate the collection and distribution of gifts to the remaining 512 families on their list. We are proud to be working with such an amazing hospital and look forward to continue serving our community in the future alongside the team at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles.
A special thanks to the makers of the MEEP X2 Tablet for supplying educational tablets to entertain and inspire six of the families we adopted through this program. Likewise, thank you TEEBO for providing adorable interactive plush toys to cuddle with some of the other families in our care.
We aim to provide you with the most honest and credible information possible. This article was reviewed for accuracy by The Honest Team and its internal technical experts.