The Best Houseplants to Purify Indoor Air

The Best Houseplants to Purify Indoor Air

17 Houseplants for a Healthy Home

Bring the outdoors in by decorating with houseplants — they breathe life into any space, reduce stress, and purify the air. Because cleaning doesn’t remove most of the indoor air contaminants that accumulate from off-gassing throughout the day, these green accessories are a must-have for reducing toxins and refreshing rooms. A NASA study even found that houseplants make the best air-filters in space stations, helping to eliminate benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene. Thankfully, such greenery provides the same health benefits on Earth.

Breathe Easy Benefits

  • Cost and Energy Efficient
  • No Artificial Fragrances
  • No Nasal-Numbing Chemicals
  • Reduces Indoor Air Pollution, Dust, Carbon Dioxide & VOCs
  • Improves Indoor Humidity
  • Reduces Stress & Fatigue
  • Inspires Focus and Productivity
  • Enhances Well-Being

The Best Houseplants to Try

  • English Ivy
  • Spider Plant
  • Golden Pothos or Devil's Ivy
  • Peace Lily
  • Chinese Evergreen
  • Bamboo Palm or Reed Palm
  • Snake Plant or Mother-in-law's Tongue
  • Heartleaf Philodendron
  • Elephant Ear Philodendron
  • Red-edged Dracaena
  • Cornstalk Dracaena
  • Janet Craig Dracaena
  • Warneck Dracaena
  • Weeping Fig
  • Gerbera Daisy or Barberton Daisy
  • Pot Mum or Florist's Chrysanthemum
  • Rubber Plant

Note: Houseplants, including some of those listed above, may be poisonous if ingested by children or pets. So, consult with your local garden center, horticulturist, and/or health care provider to identify the non-toxic choices. And take extra care when placing them around your home.

Creating a Green House 

NASA recommends placing 15 to 18 plants in six- to eight-inch diameter containers for a 1,800 square foot home. And Healthy Child Healthy World reminds, “You should also be sure to keep the foliage clean and dust free (so the leaves can do their job). And, keep the top of soil clean and free of debris, as in some cases, that’s where the bulk of the filtering is taking place. The healthier your plants, the more vigorously they’ll grow, and the better they’ll clean the air for you.”

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