Breastfeeding Checklist: 15 Things Nursing Mamas Need

Breastfeeding Checklist: 15 Things Nursing Mamas Need

Breastfeeding can be a wonderful – and sometimes challenging – experience. Going into it feeling prepared can help make the whole process a whole lot easier for you and your baby, especially when you’re first getting the hang of it. Here are some of our tried and true tips for nursing mamas.

15 Things Nursing Mamas Need

  1. Patience. Go easy on yourself – it won’t always be perfect, but what you’re doing is amazing and so worth it.
  2. Prenatal vitamins. Continuing to take your Prenatal Vitamins while breastfeeding can help to make sure you're getting nutrients that you may be lacking from diet alone.*
  3. Nursing pillow. Using a nursing pillow will help you properly position your baby and take some physical stress off your body when feeding.
  4. Nursing bra. A nursing bra provides comfort, support and convenience.
  5. Netflix. A newborn will usually nurse for 20-45 minutes (or longer) per feeding, so it’s the perfect time to catch up on some of your favorite shows.
  6. Nursing pads. Prevent leaking through your tops by having nursing pads handy to absorb any milk leaks and unintentional let-down.
  7. Water. Staying hydrated while breastfeeding is crucial, so it’s smart to up your daily water intake. Try a keeping reusable water bottle where you nurse to help you remember to drink it.
  8. Support. The first few months of breastfeeding can be physically, mentally and emotionally challenging. Lean on your partner, mama friends and loved ones for support.
  9. Lactation supplement. Our Postnatal Lactation Plus can help support healthy lactation and breast milk production.*
  10. Nursing-friendly clothes. Comfy clothing will allow for easier access, especially when feeding on-the-go.
  11. Nipple balm. Soothe and nourish nursing nipples with Organic Nipple Cream. (This product is designed for breastfeeding, so there’s no need to wipe off before nursing.)
  12. Breast pain relief. Using hot or cold packs can help relieve some of the soreness associated with breastfeeding. You don’t need a fancy product — a simple warm wash cloth or ice pack will do the trick.
  13. Nursing scarf. If you’ll be nursing in public, some moms like to have a nursing scarf for for more discreet feedings.
  14. An app. Breastfeeding? There’s an app for that. Some of our favorites help you track feedings, locate public places to nurse, or even put you in instant contact with an expert. Check out latchME, Baby Breastfeeding Tracker or LactMed (just to name a few) and see what suits you best.  
  15. Help. Never be afraid to get help. Grab a trusted book for tips, stop by a breastfeeding support center like The Pump Station, or reach out to a lactation consultant who can help identify and solve any issues you may be having.


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Breastfeeding Checklist: 15 Things Nursing Mamas Need

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