January's Superfood: Sweet Potatoes

January's Superfood: Sweet Potatoes

Think sweet potatoes are only for Thanksgiving? Think again! There’s so much more to this root vegetable than meets the eye and we’re here to help break it down.

January's Superfood: Sweet Potatoes

Why Sweet Potatoes?

Sweet potatoes rank pretty high on our list of superfoods because they taste like dessert — so your little ones will love ‘em —  while providing a diverse dose of healthy benefits. One medium sized spud contains over 400% of your daily recommended value of vitamin A (1)! They’re also high in vitamin C and a good source of both dietary fiber and potassium.

These guys also make the “Clean 15” list, meaning that in terms of potential pesticide contamination, they are among the safest conventionally grown crops to consume. This also means that if organic sweet potatoes aren’t available, it’s totally fine to buy non-organic.

Buying + Storing:

Sweet potatoes are typically available year-round, but peak during the Winter months. Look for firm, medium sized potatoes without any bruising. Store in a cool, dark place until ready to enjoy.


Even if you plan on peeling your sweet potatoes, you should always give them a good wash first. Then, experiment! Sweet potatoes can be subbed in nearly any recipe that calls for apples, squash, or white potatoes (like sweet potato fries!). We also like to spiralize them and use as a noodle or add to our morning smoothie for a little more substance.


  1. http://ndb.nal.usda.gov/ndb/foods accessed 1/20/2016

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